Saturday, June 30, 2012


Don't do something permanently stupid, just becasue you are temporarily upset.

Friday, June 29, 2012


PeOpLe LiE To u At SoMe PoInT....

BcOz YOU r MoRe ImPoRtAnT ThEn ThE TrUtH...!!!!! 


Touching the sky only doesn't define your success. The real success story will be if you don't take your feet off the ground, while touching the sky.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

People in life

I love the ones who are in my life and make it amazing and I thank the ones who left my life and made it even more fantastic..

My Past

I regret nothing in my life even if my past was full of hurt, I still look back & smile, becasue it made me who I am today.

Fake People

Cut off fake people for real reasons, not real people for fake reasons.


 Difficulties and problems are like huge empty cotton bags. They look huge for those who only look at it, but they feel light for those who actually handle it.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Special People

Some people are more special than others, the reason is not the `happiness' you feel when you meet them, but it is the 'emptiness' you feel when they are not around.


Only few people come in our life as blessing, whereas all others come in our life as a lesson.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Time and Luck

Time and luck is always with the people who have the courage to fly, not with the people who stand on the ground and watch the sky.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


हम से है जिन्दा वफ़ा और हम ही से है तेरी महफ़िल जवां
हम जब न होंगे तो रो रो के दुनिया ढूंढेगी मेरे निशाँ 


In life any relation is never planned, nor it happen for a reason. But, when relation is real, it becomes a plan for life and a reason for living.


Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen, and a wise person knows how to do both.


All fingers are not same in length, but when they bend all stand equal. Life becomes easy when we bend & adjust to all situations.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


जिंदगी काश तू ही रूठ जाती मुझसे 
रूठे लोग मनाये नहीं जाते मुझसे..


गुनाहगारों में शामिल हूँ, गुनाहों से नहीं वाकिफ..

सजा तो जनता हूँ मैं, खुदा जाने खता क्या है !

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Success always hugs you in private but failure always slaps you in public thats life so always be humble and polite in life.

Simple Mistakes

Solve simple mistakes early before it leads to big problems because we always slip from small stones and not from a mountain.

Two Faces

A person can never forget two faces in his whole life, the one who had held his hands in his difficult time and the other one who left him alone in his difficult time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

रंजिशें ही सही दिल ही दुखाने के लिए आ!! -मेहंदी हसन

रंजिशें ही सही दिल ही दुखाने के लिए आ,
आ फिर से मुझे छोड़ के जाने के लिए आ!

किस किस को बताएँगे जुदाई का सबब हम,
तू मुझसे खफा है तो ज़माने के लिए आ!

कुछ तो मेरे पिंडर-ए-मोहब्बत का भरम रख,
तू भी तो कभी मुझको मनाने के लिए आ.

इक उम्र से हूँ लज़ते गिरियां से भी महरूम,
ए राहते जान मुझको रुलाने के लिए आ.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

unexplained world

We live in an unexplained world where poor people walk miles to earn food and rich people walk miles to digest food.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Calmness under stress and courtesy under provocation is not a sign of weakness but the rarest of human qualities.