Friday, July 27, 2012


An understanding means absence of misunderstanding. A Relationship does not depend on how good understanding we have but on how best we avoid misunderstanding.


Expectations are a gift, not a curse. When people expect something from you, it means you have given them reasons to believe in you.

Happier Life

Life can be happier and stressless if we remember one simple thought, we can't have all that we desire, but time will give us all that we deserve.

Power spoils

You need power, only when you want to do something harmful. Otherwise, love is enough to get everything done.

Trust & Love

Trust a person to that extent, that he feels guilty to cheat you and love a person to that extent, that he fears to lose you.


Victory is not the property of brilliants. It is the crown for those who bend themselves in frontof hard work, honesty and confidence.

Love & Hate

We love ourself even after making so many mistakes, then how can we hate others for their small mistakes? So make habit of forgiving.


If you succeed in cheating someone, don't think that the person is a fool.
Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.


Be selective with whom you want to share your problems because there are
only a few who care, others are just curious..

Golden rules for successful life

1. Be honest when in poverty 
2. Be simple when in wealth 
3. Be polite when in authority
4. Be silent when in anger !!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

time of need

Never feel bad if people remember you only at the time of their need. Feel privileged that they think of you like a candle in the darkness of their life.


Sunday, July 22, 2012


चलो चलते हैं मिल-जुल कर वतन पर जान देते हैं, 

बहुत आसान है, कमरे में वन्देमातरम कहना ........"

(मुनव्वर साहिब)

गैरों की भीड़ में कोई अपना

इस शहर में पत्थर कहाँ से आके लगा मुझे "दोस्तों" . . .

लगता है इन गैरों की भीड़ में कोई अपना ज़रूर है !

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mix words

Do not mix words with your mood because you will have many chances to change the mood but you will never get any chance to change spoken words.

Who said No to me

Golden words of Einstein: "I am thankful to those who said NO to me. It is because of them that i did it myself."

नींदें ग़िरवीं हैं

नींदें ग़िरवीं हैं उसके पास … मोहब्बत कर्ज़ ली थी जिससे....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Relationships are becoming Harder because: Conversations became Texting;) ...Arguments became Phone Calls and Feelings became Status Messages..


माना के तुम गुफ्तगू के फन में माहिर हो फ़राज़ 

वफ़ा के लफ्ज़ पे अटको तो हमें याद कर लेना 


If stress burned calories, I'be a supermodel.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Do not mix words with your mood because you will have many chances to change the mood but you will never get any chance to change spoken words. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

आवारा अलफाज़

छींटे बहुत ज़िद्दी हैं....तुम्हारे आवारा अलफाज़ों के..

इक उम्र गुजर गयी....इनको छुड़ाने की ज़िद में ..

Tips on Mobile Maintenance

Looking after your mobile helps to ensure it has a long and productive life.  There are 8 easy maintenance tips to help you get the best out of your mobile phone. All of the points below should also apply to your battery, charger and any other accessories.




1.     Charged: Ensure your battery is fully charged, and then completely run it down before recharging. Recharging too early causes your battery to run out of power more quickly.


2.     Secure: For security reasons, enable the PIN on your SIM Card and Phone-lock on your phone to avoid unauthorized used. These security checks will also be activated when the phone is power cycled. You can check with your carrier or the phone manual for the features and also for information on blocking your SIM card and phone IMEI number if the phone is stolen.


3.     Protected: Make sure you use a keypad lock to lock your phone. Unplanned calls can cost a fortune and even though your phone may be in a safe place, such as in a bag, your phone will still get knocked around to a surprising degree. Rough treatment can damage electronic circuit boards so avoid dropping or unnecessarily shaking your phone.


4.     Battery: Be safe with your batteries. Use only genuine batteries from your phone manufacturer and only buy from authorized dealers. Going for the cheap option of a counterfeit battery can be dangerous.


5.      Clean: Don't use harsh detergents, cleaning solvents or harsh chemicals to clean your phone. Wipe only with a soft cloth.


6.     Covered: a protective cover will help repel dust and dirt, and prevent scratches. Make sure the cover you choose is of good quality. Low quality covers with no air pockets can damage you phone by creating humidity inside the cover.


7.     Storing your phone: Always store your phone in a dry place. Avoid rain, high humidity and liquids. All of these may contain minerals that could corrode the electronic circuits.


8.     At the right temperature: To ensure a long life, keep your phone in a stable temperature. Avoid exposing your phone to liquid and/or exposing your phone to extreme temperature change from hot to cold and vice versa. This might create condensation and damage the phone.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Success in life

Two things define your success in life. The way you manage when you have nothing. The way you behave when you have everything.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

कौन उजड़ा

कौन उजड़ा होगा भरी दुनिया में हमारी तरह
तू भी न मिला हम को, और खुद को भी हम गँवा बैठे...... 

Saturday, July 7, 2012


SPEAK a LIE once...,
All your TRUTHS will become QUESTIONABLE...!!!! 

खुद से भी बिछड

यूँ ना खींच अपनी तरफ मुझे बेबस कर के "मोहसीन  " 
"कि खुद से भी बिछड  जाऊ और तू भी ना मिले 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Judge people

People who Judge Everyone Else. .Need to Put Down the Magnifying Glass and Pick up a Mirror. .


Opinions are like wrist watches. Everyone's watch shows different time from others, but all believe that their time is accurate.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Having a sharp memory is good for the brain but having an ability to forget and forgive is a lot better for the heart.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


2no Insan ko Ansu de Jati He

1 Farq He


Kbi N Kbi Khtam Ho Jati He

Mgr MOHABBAT kbi Khtam Nhi Hoti

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

other's feelings

If a person is not sensitive to other's feelings, then there is no difference between him and his photo hanging on a wall, as only sensation makes a person live.


वक़्त भी लेता है करवटे ना जाने कैसी कैसी ऐ दोस्तों, 
उम्र इतनी तो नहीं थी जितने सबक सीख लिए !


लगा के दिल में मेरे आग, चले हो तुम कहाँ 
अभी राख को उड़ने दो तमाशा और बाकी है!

Monday, July 2, 2012

mind and matter

All the problems in our life are stuck between mind & matter. Importance of matter is another matter of mind. If you don't mind, they don't matter.