Sunday, January 16, 2011

Challenging The Status Quo

Author:Mike Murphy

Think, Rethink, Challenge Yourself

Between 2006 and 2009 Canadian writer Miles Patrick Yohnke wrote many pieces and among them were these three. For the first time now you'll find them together here at with a foreword by Mike Murphy.

"Drawing from his own personal challenges in life, Miles Patrick Yohnke has been teaching others along his journey to not accept second best and demand more of themselves in the way they live their lives and treat their fellow man. By speaking to others about his many inner struggles, Miles has been nurturing changes in attitudes and accountability. By demonstrating and teaching his many adaptation and coping mechanisms, to countless people throughout the years, he has been trying to change mainstream mindsets one mind at a time.

He is a tireless advocate for truth and excellence in the arts, film, music, sport, and human interaction. One may ask themselves why would he do this and be so dedicated to these and all their causes? Miles is a very deep thinker and a very spiritual person.

The answers are numerous but the one underlying common thread that weaves his life together is he never wants another to endure the abuse he went through as a child with learning challenges whom was ridiculed. To come to grips with this, he dove deep into human emotion and discovered many of the reasons others ridicule.

Through this learning process, he also uncovered why people act negatively towards themselves and others and began to challenge others and inspire them to look deep into their souls and get in touch with the real person they are, not the person whom media, corporate hypnotics, and greed are trying to keep under control to be spoon-fed worthless values and thus buying into illusional euphoria.

Miles wants people to dig deep into their being. To question who they are and what is their purpose in life. By doing so they will be on the road to true self-worth which will help to shape the world into a better place. This in turn will help them achieve their goals both personally and professionally. This covers love, family, career, and most of all hope. Hope for so many lost souls who are so much in need of self-discovery.

If there is one thing that Miles would be proud of as an accomplishment or as a legacy, it would be that he inspired people to think and that he made his parents proud by leading a useful life by serving others. Please enjoy these three pieces he has written and let these challenge you to be a better person. Thank you!"

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